2024 Top Cops Awards

2024 Top Cops Awards


Each year since 1994 NAPO has presented the TOP COPS Awards®   Ceremony.  The purpose of the TOP COPS Awards® is to educate the   American public about our nation’s heroes and to pay tribute to law   enforcement officers in federal, state, county, tribal and local agencies from   across the country for actions above and beyond the call of duty during the   preceding year. Our TOP COPS are nominated by fellow officers. An independent Awards Selection Committee comprised of national law enforcement representatives select, from hundreds of nominations, one TOP COP case from each of the 50 States and U.S. territories. Officers from the top ten cases are selected as our TOP COPS Award® Winners. In each remaining state, one case has been selected for which the officer(s) will receive an Honorable Mention award.

The 31st Annual TOP COPS Awards Dinner

Will be held on Sunday, May 12, 2024
at the Omni Shoreham Hotel 
in Washington, D.C. in conjunction with
our Nation’s Celebration of National Police Week. 


  Nominations for the 2025 TOP COPS Awards® are now being accepted. 

Please complete the 
nomination form and return
to NAPO prior to January 10, 2025.