Afternoon Edition
March 18, 2013This morning, NAPO participated in a meeting on Capitol Hill to discuss the March 19th Ways and Means Committee Hearing on Tax Reform and Tax Provisions Affecting State and Local Governments. Meeting participants included a member of the Ways and Means Committee Democratic staff (Drew Crouch) and a member of Congressman Ron Kind’s (D-WI) staff (Rachel Stanley).
Ms. Stanley shared the following tentative witness list for tomorrow’s hearing: John Buckley, Scott Hodge, Christopher Taylor, and David Parkhurst. The aforementioned witnesses have not discussed public pension funding in the past, and it is not likely to be reviewed during tomorrow’s hearing. However, NAPO is working with Ms. Stanley and other stakeholders involved in the pre-brief to craft non-technical comments to respond to any issues regarding pensions, should they arise. The prepared comments focus on the impact of a repeal of the pick-up option, which would lead to a significant tax increase for public employees. (If pensions are not included in tomorrow’s hearing, official comments can be submitted for the record through April 2, 2013).
Although also unlikely to be presented at tomorrow’s meeting, NAPO is working with meeting counterparts to prepare statements regarding mandatory social security coverage and municipal bonds.
NAPO will provide updates on the issues referenced above after the hearing concludes.