NAPO Washington Reports

Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program

October 16, 2013

The Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne-JAG) Program is the nation’s cornerstone crime-fighting program, supporting the federal government’s crucial role in spurring innovation, as well as testing and replicating evidence-based practices in crime control and prevention nationwide.  It allows for a system wide approach that enables communities to target resources to their most pressing local needs.  This important program funds state and local law enforcement, including multi-jurisdictional drug and gang task forces, information sharing and technology, county jails, prosecutors, drug courts, and juvenile delinquency and drug treatment programs.  Please click on this link, to see the impact that the program has had.

NAPO has advocated for full funding of the Byrne-JAG Program over the past several months by contacting members of the House and Senate Appropriations Committee and participating in meetings with senior staffers. 

Using Byrne-JAG funds, State Administering Agencies in nearly every state have made remarkable strides in broadening stakeholder involvement, developing statewide strategic plans, and funding evidence-based and data generating projects, all for the purpose of improving the justice system and reducing crime.  The National Criminal Justice Association released the attached report about Byrne-JAG, which details how the program is affecting change in state and local criminal justice systems.  

NAPO will continue to aggressively lobby for full funding of the Byrne-JAG Program, and provide our members with regular status updates.

If you have any questions about the Byrne-JAG Program, please contact Melissa Nee at:


The Impact of the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program. Publication. Washington, DC: National Criminal Justice Association, 2013. Print.

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