NAPO Washington Reports

National Blue Alert Bill

July 15, 2013

As reported in previous Washington Reports, Senator Coburn (R-OK) has placed a hold on the House passed version of the National Blue Alert Act of 2013, which passed in the House of Representatives on May 14, 2013.  Senator Coburn has refused to allow a vote on the bill, even after the bill’s sponsor, Senator Cardin (D-MD), personally requested Senator Coburn release the bill. 

On Wednesday, July 10, 2013, NAPO met with the following Blue Alert stakeholders to discuss strategies to advance the bill:  Mr. Bill Van Horne (Senator Cardin’s Chief Counsel); Ms. Margot Hecht (Senator Cardin’s Legislative Correspondent); Ms. Sue Walitsky (Senator Cardin’s National Communications Director); Mr. Aaron Ringel (Congressman Grimm’s (R-NY) Legislative Director; and other law enforcement groups.

The working group is hopeful that this legislation will be placed on the mark-up schedule later this month.  In the upcoming weeks, NAPO plans to accompany fellow law enforcement organizations to meetings with members of Congress and their staffs to urge that this legislation be listed on the mark-up schedule as soon as possible, as well as garner additional Republican co-sponsors.  (Currently, Senator Graham (R-SC) is the only Republican co-sponsor).

NAPO will continue to advocate for the passage of this legislation, which would assist the law enforcement community with quickly apprehending suspects and bringing them to justice before they can do anymore harm.  Creating a nationwide system that responds to criminal action against law enforcement officers will ensure the safety of the officers and the public they protect. 

If you have any questions about this legislation, please contact Melissa Nee at: