Texas Pete Responds to Rolling Stone Cover
September 3, 2013As has been noted in previous Washington Reports, NAPO has contacted all of the companies that included advertisements in the August 2013 issue of Rolling Stone magazine to inform them of NAPO’s strong opposition to the magazine’s portrayal of the surviving terrorist responsible for the Boston bombing. We have called for the companies to stop placing advertisements in the magazine until Rolling Stone’s editor publically recants the decision to glorify a terrorist.
Today, NAPO received the following response from Texas Pete’s Public Relations team regarding the company’s decision to pull future advertisements from Rolling Stone magazine:
“While we support free speech and Rolling Stone’s right to report current news in whatever manner it sees fit, we do not agree with the editorial decision to run the photo on the August 1 cover. After much consideration, Texas Pete has decided to indefinitely pull its advertising with Rolling Stone magazine.”
NAPO is most grateful for Texas Pete’s support. We will continue to keep our members updated as we receive definitive responses from other Rolling Stone advertisers.
If you have any questions about NAPO’s response to Rolling Stone’s editor, please contact Melissa Nee at: mnee@napo.org.